Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Constantine the Great

This iconic looking statue sits near the entrance to the Minster. It is of the Roman emperor Constantine. Constantine was the son of the Roman Emperor Constantius Chlorus, by St. Helen, supposedly his British mistress. Constantius stayed in York for long periods in the early 4th century. He died in the city in AD 306 and the people of York were the first to hear his son declared Emperor by his loyal troops immediately afterward. Hence, the statue. A marble head of Constantine has also been found on Stonegate.

Sorry for my recent absence from posting. Life, well, it took over rather heavily, with a family bereavement during my final exams. As such, here is a posting schedule for the next couple of weeks, as you will be getting *fun bonus photos* from other places!

Until the 14th, posting will be as normal (hurrah for York!)

14th - Kemble, Wiltshire

15th - Birmingham/Reading

16th - Welwyn, Hertfordshire

17th - London

18th - London

And then back to normal posting from York! 


  1. so sorry to hear about your tricky times. Hope all is back on track now.
    I don't remember this guy but the minster was often wrapped for repairs when we were in town!

  2. Datos de Historia :) Ni idea que Constancio estuvo en York. Bueno saber!

    Que bueno que habrĂ¡n varias postales de los lugares que visitarĂ¡s. Espero verlas pronto.
