Tuesday 9 June 2009

Constantine the Great

This iconic looking statue sits near the entrance to the Minster. It is of the Roman emperor Constantine. Constantine was the son of the Roman Emperor Constantius Chlorus, by St. Helen, supposedly his British mistress. Constantius stayed in York for long periods in the early 4th century. He died in the city in AD 306 and the people of York were the first to hear his son declared Emperor by his loyal troops immediately afterward. Hence, the statue. A marble head of Constantine has also been found on Stonegate.

Sorry for my recent absence from posting. Life, well, it took over rather heavily, with a family bereavement during my final exams. As such, here is a posting schedule for the next couple of weeks, as you will be getting *fun bonus photos* from other places!

Until the 14th, posting will be as normal (hurrah for York!)

14th - Kemble, Wiltshire

15th - Birmingham/Reading

16th - Welwyn, Hertfordshire

17th - London

18th - London

And then back to normal posting from York! 

Wednesday 3 June 2009

It creeps up on you, round every corner.

This is a view down Petergate, the Minster ever present, ever looming. This is one of my favourite scenes in York, I could photograph it again and again!

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Station calling

York Station is so photogenic! I love the curving arch of the celing in this photo, the train to Hull mirroring the curve ever so slightly. 

Monday 1 June 2009

The little details

I love that almost every archway in the station here at York has this detail, showing some heraldic shields and the White Rose of Yorkshire. I've also just noticed you can see the half moon in this photo, despite the fact that it was about 5:30pm when I took it!

I have an open exam for the next three days. I will try my best to post, but it depends how horrific this gets. Once it's done though, my BA is done with!

Sunday 31 May 2009


I wonder how many people notice this Minerva that sits above my workplace? There is a hardly readable inscription underneath the statue which reads: ""The figure above is that of Minerva, Goddess of wisdom and of drama. John Wolstenholme 1801"." When I am in less of a hurry I will get a better shot of her, as she is a beautiful piece.

If you look closely you can see a band around her wrist. A friend of mine, who graduated a few years ago, tells me that his group of friends somehow climbed up there and placed a Make Poverty History wristband around her wrist, and it is still there to this day. I am not sure how much I believe him.

Sorry for the lack of photos - it's been a hectic couple of days. I'm off to Leeds today to see Star Trek with a friend - I have never been to Leeds! I am excited.

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Campus Wednesday

This is Heslington Hall, the University's administrative centre. It's a lot nicer than the concrete buildings that make up the rest of campus! When my mum was a student here, you could book a room in Heslington Hall to have a party in, but common students don't often go in there very much anymore!

The campus will (pending a 2:1 in my BA) be my home for the next academic year - I got an offer for my MA course. I will be showing you York from a Student Perspective for some time yet!

Tuesday 26 May 2009

New Life

The geese moved away as I tried to get a decent photo of this new family group - and believe me, you don't want to hassle the geese on campus - around this time of year they can get a little...agressive. Still, it's nice to see goslings and duckings around campus and York. (I signed a contract on my house for next academic year, so no matter what happens with my MA, I'll be here, taking a Daily Photo of York for your viewing pleasure.)